Thursday, February 18, 2010

Second (good) thoughts on my Nick Adams Ale

As per usual, time heals all. Not that there was anything wrong with my Two Hearted clone-ish Nick Adams Ale to begin with. It has just gotten better in in possibly every way. It is now almost a month post bottle, and the beer has really smoothed out. All the great Centennial flavor is still there, but there is a really satisfying complexity that I cannot quite describe.

However, one thing is for sure; using dry malt extract, in this case Kreamix, for the bottling instead of sugar is a big improvement. The beer has an incredible full and silky mouthfeel that seems to get to every little tastebud without being at all astringent or harsh. It still has a huge bite, thanks to the five ounces of Centennial hops, but there the creaminess eliminates any of the wincing notes. I think it is sort of akin to drinking milk after eating a really hot pepper.

And the head! Wow. It is seriously like a meringue. It stands up tall and stays put the whole way down the glass, leaving great lacing. I have yet to have a beer that doesn't have a layer of head left at the end of the glass.

All in all, very enjoyable. Although I think I might put the rest of the bottles in cold storage (back stairwell) so that they don't over carbonate. I really like it just where it is.

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